caesar's household <PHP4 -:23 >
call god for <2CO1 -:23 >
call on <2TI2 -:22 >
call them brethren <HEB2 -:11 >
call upon him <RO10 -:12 >
called according <RO8 -:28 >
called you into <GA1 -:6 >
calleth those things which be not as though they were <RO4 -:18 >
calleth you <1TH4 -:43 >
calleth you <GA5 -:8 >
came into <GA1 -:21 >
came not as yet unto corinth <2CO1 -:23 >
came not with excellency <1CO2 -:1 >
came out <HEB3 -:16 >
can be <RO8 -:31 >
can do all things through christ which strengtheneth me <PHP4 -:14 >
can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make
<HEB10 -:1 >
cannot be condemned <TIT2 -:8 >
cannot disannul <GA3 -:17 >
cannot lie <TIT1 -:2 >
cannot tell <2CO12 -:2 >
cannot tell <2CO12 -:2 >
cannot tell <2CO12 -:3 >
care not for it <1CO7 -:21 >
carnal commandment <HEB7 -:16 >
carnal mind <RO8 -:7 >
carnal ordinances <HEB9 -:10 >
carnal things <RO15 -:27 >
carried about with every wind <EPH4 -:14 >
carried away unto these dumb idols <1CO12 -:2 >
cast down <2CO4 -:9 >
cast not away therefore your confidence <HEB10 -:36 >
cast out <GA4 -:30 >
casting away <RO11 -:15 >
casting down imaginations <2CO10 -:5 >
caught you with guile <2CO12 -:16 >
cease not <EPH1 -:16 >
certain came from james <GA2 -:12 >
certain contribution for <RO15 -:26 >
certain day <HEB4 -:7 >
certain fearful looking for <HEB10 -:27 >
certain place <HEB4 -:4 >
certain place testified <HEB2 -:6 >
certain we can carry nothing out <1TI6 -:7 >
certify you <GA1 -:11 >
change also <HEB7 -:12 >
change my voice <GA4 -:20 >
charge them <1TI6 -:17 >
charge you by <1TH4 -:46 >
charged every one <1TH2 -:11 >
charity envieth not <1CO13 -:4 >
charity never faileth <1CO13 -:8 >
charity suffereth long <1CO13 -:4 >
charity vaunteth not itself <1CO13 -:4 >
chaste virgin <2CO11 -:2 >
cheerful giver <2CO9 -:7 >
cherisheth it <EPH5 -:29 >
chief corner <EPH2 -:20 >
chiefly they <PHP4 -:23 >
child thou hast known <2TI3 -:15 >
child when she was past age <HEB11 -:11 >
children are partakers <HEB2 -:14 >
children by jesus christ <EPH1 -:5 >
children ought not <2CO12 -:14 >
children which god hath given me <HEB2 -:13 >
choosing rather <HEB11 -:25 >
christ abound <2CO1 -:5 >
christ above fourteen years ago <2CO12 -:2 >
christ are manifest <PHP1 -:13 >
christ are perished <1CO15 -:18 >
christ before me <RO16 -:7 >
christ being raised from <RO6 -:9 >
christ by <EPH3 -:6 >
christ constraineth us <2CO5 -:14 >
christ depart from iniquity <2TI2 -:19 >
christ died for our sins according <1CO15 -:3 >
christ died for us <RO5 -:8 >
christ dwell <COL3 -:16 >
christ greater riches than <HEB11 -:26 >
christ hath redeemed us from <GA3 -:13 >
christ he was nigh unto death <PHP2 -:30 >
christ is <2CO11 -:11 >
christ is at hand <2TH2 -:2 >
christ is become <GA5 -:4 >
christ is preached <PHP1 -:18 >
christ jesus <1CO1 -:2 >
christ jesus <1CO1 -:30 >
christ jesus <1CO16 -:24 >
christ jesus <1CO4 -:15 >
christ jesus <1TH2 -:15 >
christ jesus <1TI1 -:13 >
christ jesus <1TI3 -:13 >
christ jesus <1TI6 -:13 >
christ jesus <2TI1 -:13 >
christ jesus <2TI1 -:1 >
christ jesus <2TI2 -:1 >
christ jesus <2TI3 -:15 >
christ jesus <COL1 -:4 >
christ jesus <COL1 -:28 >
christ jesus <EPH1 -:1 >
christ jesus <EPH2 -:6 >
christ jesus <GA2 -:4 >
christ jesus <GA3 -:26 >
christ jesus <GA3 -:28 >
christ jesus <HEB3 -:1 >
christ jesus <PHM1 -:23 >
christ jesus <PHM1 -:6 >
christ jesus <PHP2 -:5 >
christ jesus <PHP3 -:12 >
christ jesus <PHP3 -:14 >
christ jesus <PHP3 -:3 >
christ jesus <PHP4 -:22 >
christ jesus <RO15 -:5 >
christ jesus <RO16 -:3 >
christ jesus <RO3 -:24 >
christ jesus <RO8 -:1 >
christ jesus before <2TI1 -:9 >
christ jesus came into <1TI1 -:14 >
christ jesus concerning you <1TH4 -:37 >
christ jesus hath made me free from <RO8 -:2 >
christ jesus my lord <PHP3 -:8 >
christ jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing <GA6 -:15 >
christ jesus our lord <1CO15 -:31 >
christ jesus our lord <2TI1 -:2 >
christ jesus our lord <EPH3 -:11 >
christ jesus our lord <RO8 -:39 >
christ jesus shall suffer persecution <2TI3 -:12 >
christ jesus unto good works <EPH2 -:10 >
christ jesus which are at philippi <PHP1 -:1 >
christ jesus with eternal glory <2TI2 -:10 >
christ jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by <EPH2 -:13 >
christ may dwell <EPH3 -:17 >
christ may rest upon me <2CO12 -:9 >
christ ministered by us <2CO3 -:3 >
christ salute you <RO16 -:16 >
christ shall all be made alive <1CO15 -:22 >
christ shall give thee light <EPH5 -:14 >
christ shall profit you nothing <GA5 -:2 >
christ shall rise first <1TH4 -:16 >
christ should be made <1CO1 -:17 >
christ speaking <2CO13 -:3 >
christ unto another gospel <GA1 -:6 >
christ was confirmed <1CO1 -:6 >
christ which are at colosse <COL1 -:2 >
christ without charge <1CO9 -:18 >
christ's gospel <2CO2 -:12 >
christ's stead <2CO5 -:20 >
church be charged <1TI5 -:16 >
church by christ jesus throughout all ages <EPH3 -:21 >
church is subject unto christ <EPH5 -:24 >
church may receive edifying <1CO14 -:5 >
church which is <COL4 -:15 >
church which is at cenchrea <RO16 -:1 >
church will <HEB2 -:12 >
circumcision by faith <RO3 -:30 >
circumcision dost transgress <RO2 -:27 >
circumcision for <RO15 -:8 >
circumcision is nothing <1CO7 -:19 >
circumcision made without hands <COL2 -:11 >
circumcision nor uncircumcision <COL3 -:11 >
circumcision only <RO4 -:13 >
city saluteth you <RO16 -:23 >
city which hath foundations <HEB11 -:10 >
cleanse it with <EPH5 -:26 >
collection for <1CO16 -:1 >
come again <2CO12 -:21 >
come again <2CO13 -:2 >
come again out <2CO1 -:16 >
come at this time <1CO16 -:12 >
come before winter <2TI4 -:21 >
come he might show <EPH2 -:7 >
come short <HEB4 -:1 >
come short <RO3 -:23 >
come shortly unto me <2TI4 -:9 >
come together again <1CO7 -:5 >
come unto <1TI2 -:4 >
come unto god by him <HEB7 -:25 >
come unto me <TIT3 -:12 >
come unto thee shortly <1TI3 -:14 >
come unto you <RO1 -:10 >
come unto you <RO1 -:13 >
come unto you <RO15 -:23 >
come unto you <RO15 -:29 >
come unto you before <2CO1 -:15 >
come unto you speaking with tongues <1CO14 -:6 >
come unto you with <1CO16 -:12 >
come unto you with <1CO4 -:21 >
comers thereunto perfect <HEB10 -:1 >
cometh oft upon it <HEB6 -:7 >
cometh preacheth another jesus <2CO11 -:4 >
comfort them which are <2CO1 -:4 >
comfort unto me <COL4 -:11 >
comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted <2CO1 -:4 >
comfort you concerning your faith <1TH3 -:2 >
comfort your hearts <2TH2 -:17 >
comfort your hearts <COL4 -:8 >
comforted us by <2CO7 -:6 >
comforteth those <2CO7 -:6 >
commandment came <RO7 -:9 >
commandment going before for <HEB7 -:18 >
commandment holy <RO7 -:12 >
commandment is charity out <1TI1 -:4 >
commandment might become exceeding sinful <RO7 -:13 >
commandment without spot <1TI6 -:14 >
commend ourselves <2CO3 -:1 >
commend themselves <2CO10 -:12 >
commend unto you phebe our sister <RO16 -:1 >
commendation from you <2CO3 -:1 >
commendeth himself is approved <2CO10 -:18 >
commit unto thee <1TI1 -:17 >
committed an offence <2CO11 -:7 >
committeth fornication sinneth against his own body <1CO6 -:18 >
common faith <TIT1 -:4 >
communicate forget not <HEB13 -:16 >
communicated unto them <GA2 -:2 >
compacted by <EPH4 -:16 >
company with fornicators <1CO5 -:9 >
comparing spiritual things with spiritual <1CO2 -:13 >
comparing themselves among themselves <2CO10 -:12 >
comprehend with all saints what <EPH3 -:18 >
conceive seed <HEB11 -:11 >
concerning his son jesus christ our lord <RO1 -:3 >
concerning them which are asleep <1TH4 -:13 >
concerning zeal <PHP3 -:6 >
condemned sin <RO8 -:3 >
condemneth not himself <RO14 -:23 >
conference added nothing <GA2 -:6 >
conferred not with flesh <GA1 -:16 >
conscience is defiled <TIT1 -:15 >
consent not <1TI6 -:3 >
consent unto <RO7 -:16 >
consider what <2TI2 -:7 >
considering thyself <GA6 -:1 >
consolation grant you <RO15 -:5 >
consolation wherewith he was comforted <2CO7 -:7 >
consuming fire <HEB12 -:29 >
content with such things as ye have <HEB13 -:5 >
continual sorrow <RO9 -:2 >
continue by reason <HEB7 -:23 >
continue with you all for your furtherance <PHP1 -:25 >
continueth not <GA3 -:10 >
continuing instant <RO12 -:12 >
contrariwise ye <2CO2 -:7 >
contrary part may be ashamed <TIT2 -:8 >
coppersmith did me much evil <2TI4 -:14 >
corrupt minds <1TI6 -:5 >
corrupt minds <2TI3 -:8 >
corruptible crown <1CO9 -:25 >
corruptible man <RO1 -:23 >
corruption into <RO8 -:21 >
could no longer forbear <1TH3 -:5 >
could not make him <HEB9 -:9 >
could not speak unto you as unto spiritual <1CO3 -:1 >
could remove mountains <1CO13 -:2 >
could wish <RO9 -:3 >
count all things <PHP3 -:8 >
count not myself <PHP3 -:13 >
counted loss for christ <PHP3 -:7 >
covenant overlaid round about with gold <HEB9 -:4 >
created him <COL3 -:10 >
creature itself also shall be delivered from <RO8 -:21 >
creature more than <RO1 -:25 >
creature waiteth for <RO8 -:19 >
creature was made subject <RO8 -:20 >
creeping things <RO1 -:23 >
cross ceased <GA5 -:11 >
cross is <1CO1 -:18 >
crowned with glory <HEB2 -:9 >
crucified among you <GA3 -:1 >
crucified with christ <GA2 -:22 >
cunning craftiness <EPH4 -:14 >
curse for us <GA3 -:13 >
curse not <RO12 -:14 >