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Filename | Size | Date |
BIBLE_phr.txt | 1,294 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasea_fil.txt | 217,379 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phraseb1.txt | 151,263 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phraseb2.txt | 151,793 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasec_fil.txt | 128,929 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrased_fil.txt | 116,269 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasee_fil.txt | 95,582 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasef_fil.txt | 248,010 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phraseg_fil.txt | 122,206 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phraseh1.txt | 268,285 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phraseh2.txt | 266,495 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasei_fil.txt | 156,470 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasej_fil.txt | 67,716 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasek_fil.txt | 54,657 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasel_fil.txt | 276,714 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasem_fil.txt | 214,689 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasen_fil.txt | 134,977 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phraseo_fil.txt | 121,514 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasep_fil.txt | 139,935 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phraseq_fil.txt | 2,233 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phraser_fil.txt | 57,156 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrases1.txt | 193,328 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrases2.txt | 194,484 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phraset1.txt | 245,637 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phraset2.txt | 246,513 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phraset3.txt | 245,848 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phraseu_fil.txt | 45,854 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasev_fil.txt | 17,074 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasew1.txt | 269,721 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasew2.txt | 269,420 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasey_fil.txt | 101,035 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Bible_Phrasez_fil.txt | 4,566 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEA_fil.txt | 217,379 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEB1.txt | 151,263 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEB2.txt | 151,793 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEC_fil.txt | 128,929 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLED_fil.txt | 116,269 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEE_fil.txt | 95,582 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEF_fil.txt | 248,010 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEG_fil.txt | 122,206 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEH1.txt | 268,285 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEH2.txt | 266,495 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEI_fil.txt | 156,470 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEJ_fil.txt | 67,716 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEK_fil.txt | 54,657 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEL_fil.txt | 276,714 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEM_fil.txt | 214,689 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEN_fil.txt | 134,977 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEO_fil.txt | 121,514 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEP_fil.txt | 139,935 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrase_phr.txt | 1,294 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasea_fil.txt | 217,379 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephraseb1.txt | 151,263 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephraseb2.txt | 151,793 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasec_fil.txt | 128,929 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrased_fil.txt | 116,269 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasee_fil.txt | 95,582 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasef_fil.txt | 248,010 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephraseg_fil.txt | 122,206 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephraseh1.txt | 268,285 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephraseh2.txt | 266,495 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasei_fil.txt | 156,470 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasej_fil.txt | 67,716 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasek_fil.txt | 54,657 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasel_fil.txt | 276,714 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasem_fil.txt | 214,689 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasen_fil.txt | 134,977 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephraseo_fil.txt | 121,514 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasep_fil.txt | 139,935 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephraseq_fil.txt | 2,233 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephraser_fil.txt | 57,156 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrases1.txt | 193,328 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrases2.txt | 194,484 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephraset1.txt | 245,637 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephraset2.txt | 246,513 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephraset3.txt | 357,091 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephraseu_fil.txt | 44,560 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasev_fil.txt | 16,656 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasew1.txt | 382,927 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasew2.txt | 384,978 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasey_fil.txt | 98,576 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
Biblephrasez_fil.txt | 4,624 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEQ_fil.txt | 2,320 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLER_fil.txt | 57,156 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLES1.txt | 193,328 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLES2.txt | 194,484 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLET1.txt | 245,637 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLET2.txt | 246,513 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLET3.txt | 245,848 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEU_fil.txt | 45,854 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEV_fil.txt | 17,074 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEW1.txt | 269,721 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEW2.txt | 269,420 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEY_fil.txt | 101,035 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
BIBLEZ_fil.txt | 4,566 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
index.htm | 28,704 | 8/19/07 | 7:26 am |
index.html | 18,052 | 1/10/07 | 6:28 am |
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